Various Things

Facebook’s been nagging me about a lack of updates on my page lately, so I figured I was about due to make a condensed update of what’s been going on around here lately. I’m still picking at Project Irrgarten off and on, and do have the second draft rulebook done along with some dressed up card templates for the items and characters, but wound up hitting kin of a wall trying to come up with a new set of items in keeping with the idea that each should be important and valuable- i.e.; filling out the sheet with “filler” items was running against my intended goal for them in the first place. So basically, I’m in the process of trying to come up with enough “named” weapons to give all the classes stuff to play with.

I’ve already done a little bit of testing with the new battle rules using the old cards, so it’s really not been as drastic an overhaul as it sounds. The main reason I haven’t gone ahead and uploaded a new .zip for testing is I wanted to put more art assets in. I may go ahead and put a ‘rush’ update up in hopes some more people will try out the new rule set- I haven’t really had a lot of opportunities to test with other people yet, sadly, and setting up a virtual tabletop sounded a little over my head. Since one of the biggest things I did run into with a face to face test was that it was hard to tell the different sets apart when they’re face-down, I’m definitely going to make the next card set double sided.

I’m thinking that I’m going to keep the starting character set fairly modest, probably no more than 30. The rooms are really okay for the most part, but I’d like to add traps that play with the party’s marching order to the mix and maybe do something about those springboard tiles since they have a tendency to pop up consecutively (maybe I’m just a bad shuffler.)

Author: 3/2

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