The Backlog of Doom

Since not a whole lot good has come out lately, I’ve been trying to put a dent in my gaming backlog. I think this is probably why I take every chance I get to bitch about the fact that every game released these days is measured in hours rather than levels- even a beat-em-up like Bayonetta (Let’s face it, the game is basically Battletoads with tits) takes a ‘mere’ ten hours or so of play to complete, and we have people who complain about games with a story mode that only takes six. Grah. Grah, I say to anyone within earshot!

Which brings me to the problem at hand: I used to have a bad habit of snagging anything remotely interesting up off the clearance racks at electronics stores. As PS2 got more and more displaced, that means I’ve got at least a half-dozen epic length RPG’s, backed up by action games of questionable quality that I just haven’t had the patience to sit through. Then there’s the stack of PS1 games I ‘inherited’ with my friend’s old console, not to mention a stack of DS and PSP RPG’s I grabbed up on release expecting them to get horribly rare. Well, I’d like to thank the gaming industry here for not releasing much of anything I give a crap about long enough for me to kill off some of these things. I’m pretty happy to say I’ve beaten more games in the past few months than in a couple years. That said, that backlog includes three Nippon Ichi games.

Hehehe… heh.

Author: 3/2

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