So This Is How The World Ends.

Or the year, anyway.

Seriously, right now I’m beating back a monologue I’ve been brewing for months ever since I really sat down and go thinking about where the line between the new and old schools of gaming is, and shades of that broiling rant showed themselves in that… uh… disappointing “What If Bubble Bobble Got Remade” thing a while back.

I think I have an idea of why recent games aren’t as funny to go back and read about after I post:

1) I’m spending money on most of this crap and usually end up subconsciously justifying it, even if I end up loathing the game and sell it off

2) Again; since it’s harder to emulate newer games and get screencaps and stuff, there’s less room for captioning or getting specific shots of stuff I want to show off. I suppose if I wasn’t a cheapskate I could get some AV doohickeys going, but… I am.

3) It seems like even crappy games lately are more… I don’t know, forgiving or something, so you can’t even get that pissed at them. Transformers: The Game was probably the worst thing I’ve played in a while, then again about everything else has either been ‘retro’ or something I’d be more likely to forgive.

Or just plain not as horribly fucking bugged.

I know now what I must do.

I must cast myself into the pit of 8 bits and fight my way back to the current generation. Earn my gaming might through blood, tears, and mental scarring. I will return to from whence I came and where I started reviewing games…

(also I got my dad an Atari for Christmas. I feel like I’ve completed some form of time loop.)

Author: 3/2

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