So, Here Goes Again

Note: this will get alarmingly close to whiny typical personal stuff. Not that my normal writings aren’t personal, in fact, I get the impression most of the robot stuff is along the lines of an injoke shared between facets of my own personality. Like a nerdier Killer7.

It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I’m only in the past weeks putting serious research into looking for my own set of wheels. I’ve managed to wing it this far with a combination of public transit, lifts from family and friends, and the sheer luck of being within walking distance from my workplace. And though I’m getting decent hours (and the seclusion to play games or catch up on paperbacks during precious lulls), I think I’m ready to make a push for something bigger. In particular, I’m kind of sick of walking around the store on days off nervously expecting people to ask me where canned foods or tomato sauce are even though I’m not in uniform. Getting back to the original point- It’ll open things up a lot once I can get around without relying on my feet or amazing coincidences. A tailwind makes a big difference!
I’ve been putting off a formal review of Transformers: The Game, because they keep getting exceedingly ranty and off-topic. (Spoiler: It’s really rather bad!) The ‘intro’ to the review needs some chopping but it ends up being quite possibly the most crotchety anti-gaming shitfest I’ve ever written. Still playing the DS one off and on though, which says something. I’ve since blown through the Autobot edition as well.

I managed to find fresh, factory sealed Nintendo DS games in a Goodwill of all places a couple weeks ago, so I’m finally giving Lunar: Dragon Song a go. So far I don’t really see the appeal, though I hear that it’s light on story compared to the ‘proper’ series; as such the one thing I can say with all confidence is that the idea of the battle ‘modes’ is pretty stupid. Either you get experience OR items, making for stretches where you have to decide between leveling up to strengthen yourself while depriving yourself of restorative items, or gather items to sell or cash in on ‘missions’. Either way, something is wrong with tiny bees that inexplicably are harder to beat than the wild anteaters and knockoff Bulbasaurs you encounter.

So where the hell does one find 2008-model Bumblebee in this bloody state?

Author: 3/2

5 thoughts on “So, Here Goes Again

  1. i like ben 10…..
    and for the bumblebee, good luck bro- try finding the older version (nonbug) and then hope to God it upgrades itself- oh, and comes with the standerd 2008 edition engine already.

  2. Not that I’ve really noticed, but I’m not honestly paying much attention to it.


  3. Lunar: Silver Star Story remains one of the best games I’ve ever played. The sequel was good, but not great.

    As for Dragon Song,
    I’ve heard some thin
    gs about the text wr
    apping around in wei
    rd ways that make it
    a pain to read. Any
    truth to these claim

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