Renaissauce, Man.

I saw a fat kid wearing a Git R’ Done camouflage cap today, and the only thing that sprung to mind was this. When the only thing that can trump an aggravating pop culture personality is a minor Internet meme… sad. Just sad.
Went to the local Ren-fair this weekend and picked up a pewter skull chain and herbal tea, a mix probably popular among the ‘effeminate pirate’ set. After so many years going, I have to say my favorite act in the place is still Daniel, Duke of Danger, who falls somewhere between an acrobat and a stand-up comedian in terms of his performance. They seemed to tone him down just a tad this year; he didn’t make many (if any) jokes to how much booze it takes to get him up on stage to do his balancing acts. It was a good time, though I swear that fairground is the Dustiest Place On Earth.

I recently got a discounted copy of the miniatures game Heroscape, and it’s actually pretty sweet as such things go. It’s almost worth buying to cannibalize for other tabletop games, as the stackable terrain hexes are an easier, more tactile alternative to the conventional grid/hex map.
It’s also a game whose premise I enjoy thoroughly, but when it comes to the intricacies of the story and names of the key players in it, my eyes kind of glaze over.  Using the backdrop of Valhalla is like, the easiest excuse to have a crazy battle royale. Why the hell don’t more games use it?

Author: 3/2

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