The Guardian Legend Shrine seems to be out of comission. (Link included in case of spontaneous ressurection,) after a long, long hiatus, presumably due to a lack of anything to really say about an ancient video game. I have such fond memories of the site, between nice transforming Guardian anigif and when I got ahold of the guy’s AIM name and presumably annoyed him into perma-blocking me with extreme fanboyishness. The fan page was pretty cool too, if you count “Man dresses a Barbie Doll in pink felt body armor and takes digital photos of it”
as cool.

I’ll set up an official TGR page soon as sort of a teaser doomed to sporadic updating. In such news, not a whole lot. I’m still picking my way through the main character’s animation sheet to see how much patience I have for doing pixel art over extended periods. I really need to get out of the habit of making my biggest progress on the computer at work though; the only way to get files off the thing to my home is by burning a CD thanks to the thing’s busted USB ports. I’ve ‘fixed’ the walk animation I posted before somewhat, it’s still just a 3-4 frame thing, but if I focus on that I won’t get anywhere in the actual game work, ever.

I’ve also made top, bottom, and side views of the main character’s jet mode. I’m pretty proud of it. It’s “I want a model of that” cool. Technically I could start messing with a demo moving the jet around with just that and some basic enemy sprites with that.

Anyways. How you doin’?

Author: 3/2

4 thoughts on “LAME!

  1. The blue was actually my first WordPress layout. (Basically just a banner-swap with an existing skin I downloaded.) I’ve always been kinda partial to yellow-and-black ‘warning stripe’ colors, though.


    Next layout’s probably gonna be red. In honor of TGL/R.

  2. The fan page was pretty cool too, if you count “Man dresses a Barbie Doll in pink felt body armor and takes digital photos of it” as cool.

    I’m sorry I missed it — I should have liked to see that!

    I like the layout modifications, by the way. The yellow was okay, but I think the blue works better for you. Less bright. :) When did you do that?

  3. I’m doin’ fine. :3 I’m learning how to make 3D models and animations. I’m pretty proud of my stuff so far. For my next project I have to make my rigged character interact with an enviornment, and I’ve decided to make a character pull a sword out of a pedastal, Ocarina-of-Time-style. I might upload the finished video to YouTube.

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