HEY I CAME HERE FOR what exactly

It’s really weird to me to think about how my site’s changed focuses over the years in tune with my interests. I guess if there’s any consistent theme, it’s basically “Hey, come check out these things I love!” be it old SNES games I loved to rag on or show off comics and drawings. Back when Livejournal was still a thing, I remember stumbling on the journal of someone who had been following me when I did chiefly gaming related stuff, and had listed 3/2 among some recommended sites for friends to check out, but in describing it sounded disappointed that lately I’d shifted gears to webcomics. I kinda wonder if focusing on just random drawing on here has done the same to any old fans at times. Apologies if it has! I’m still pretty into games, I just don’t get the itch to write about them as much. I suppose trying to adapt my thoughts into comic strip format is a draining enough exercise I kind of want to chill and relax by actually playing the games when I’m done.

I actually have a handful of unfinished drafts just kind of sitting around right now. I guess I could be classified as a “ranter” because even from the beginning, stuff I like enough to post and share I tend to bang out all in one sitting while my train of thought is going strong. The Robotech thing took me forever to get back to because it actually involves a modicum of research so I’m not going at it completely through nostalgia goggles.

At any rate, don’t be afraid, leave a comment or something if you like something, don’t like something, or want to see something. I’m only scary on even numbered days.

Also just advance warning re: daily sketch project here- I’m going to PAX East this Friday through Sunday, so if I wind up missing any of those days it’s probably the fault of hotel wifi or something.

Author: 3/2

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