Happy February, I Guess!

I’m not posting again after this update unless it’s an actual piece of content, be it artsy or wordsy. This is one of my crazy promises to myself more than anything, so if I break it, it’s okay!

I went to Ohayocon on Saturday after a couple years’ hiatus. I didn’t get a table, though I would like to stage another some day even if it means getting to work on stuff to sell or at least show off pretty far in advance. And even if it’s just a passing thing, this is the most powerful burst of actual enthusiasm I’ve had for working on my artwork in a while, and I have a feeling that if I put a little more effort into things, and take it half seriously (rather than this ‘updated whenever’ routine I’ve been in), it would be damned nice to go someplace with it, whether it’s a more profitible direction, a more personally fulfilling one, or hell, even just a more popular one.

Blah, blah, blah artsy touchy feely.

I’ve got a bad itch to get my homebrew gaming on again, in addition to the above. KillJoy is probably the project I want to push hardest right now, which I guess could best be summarized as some kind of a sadist’s version of Smash TV, wherein you play a gloomy angel who ruins people’s days en masse in an effort to maintain the cosmic balance. It seems like it would be pretty simple to program, but then again, whenever I start thinking that way I hit something that stumps me almost immediately out of the gate (Like, for example, ActionScript commands to enable simple keyboard arrow key entry for movement.) An amatuer game would be a pretty sweety thing to be able to sell at a con too. Just sayin’.

So in conclusion, even though I am already overdue for an RK installment right now, I’m going to try and suck it up and be more productive around here overall. And not just get sidetracked posing my new Revoltech figures in a re-enactment of the climactic brawl toward the end of Macross Plus.

Author: 3/2

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