You know? I’m sick of February. I’m tired of it being so cold I have to fetch the mail at gunpoint. I’m tired of it being just short enough to make me squish by on one less paycheck while seemingly everything is due a-sap. I’m really getting tired of this patch of ice outside the stairs that never seems to thaw even after that weird burst of 50 degree weather we had. Even with a girlfriend that I live with, Valentine’s Day still feels like a fake holiday for greeting card companies to mug me for, and let me be frank- I’m even tired of it being Black History Month because of all the extra crap work makes me do for it. (Snap several pictures of the vendors who come to set up tables- make sure you get some customers in there!, edit photos, place photos in a stupid scrapbook so the upper management can take credit for it). So, yeah. Basically I’ll be glad when it’s March. Though February still has to get its last shots in with the actual mailing of the rent check, and a cell phone payment.

(Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, captive audience!)

Author: 3/2

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