It all started at 11:00
p.m. on the night of October 5, 1957. Antonio Villas-Boas, a Brazilian
farmer of twenty-three, and his brother Jao, were going to bed. It
was hot, so Antonio decided to open a window.
In a move
hereafter known as: Mistake #1.
As he did so, he noticed
a bright light that seemed to come from above shining down on the
corral outside. He couldn't see the source of the light, which was
like a car headlight shining down.
But there's
one thing it couldn't possibly be. A flying saucer full of beautiful
He called to Jao, but
Jao told him to go to sleep.
to sleep."
-Jao Villas-Boas
Antonio closed the shutters
and tried to sleep, but his curiosity soon got the better of him.
He got up and opened the shutters and looked out. The light was still
there, brighter than ever, and seemed to come toward him. He slammed
the shutters, waking Jao, and they both watched as the light grew
so bright that it shined through the shutters. After a few minutes,
it suddenly disappeared.
The end.
Kind of a stupid story, huh? <Shut up and read the rest to the
gullible out there>
Nine days later, on
the night of October 14, 1957, Antonio and Jao were out plowing, when
a brilliant light appeared at the far end of the field. It's apparent
size was about that of a cartwheel
reference point, except I have no idea how big that is.
and it appeared to
be about 100 meters off the ground. It appeared as a bright red light,
too bright to allow them to see if there was an object behind the
light. Antonio wished to go and examine the light, but Jao refused.
When Antonio approached the light, it moved rapidly to the opposite
end of the field. When he approached it there, it sped back to the
other end of the field. This was repeated at least twenty times, according
to Antonio.
This is
the extraterrestrial equivalent to teasing a cat with a flashlight.
He finally tired of
the chase and went back to where Jao waited.
Jao called
him an idiot and told him to get his lazy ass back to work.
The light persisted
for a time, but then suddenly vanished.
The next evening, Antonio
was plowing alone, using the lights of his tractor. At precisely 1:00
At precisely
1:00 AM... wouldn't that mean he was looking at his watch?
he saw the light. A
red pinpoint at first, but within a few minutes it had grown into
a bright, egg-shaped object that stopped and hovered about 160 feet
above Antonio. It was so bright that the headlights of the tractor
could no longer be seen in its glare. As Antonio tried to decide what
he should do, the object came closer, within 40 feet of him. He later
described it as rounded and full of little purplish lights all around,
with a large red headlight that was the source of the intense red
light. It looked like a large elongated egg with three metal "spurs",
or landing gear, on the bottom.

I don't think I can overuse this picture.
On top of the object
was something that rotated at great speed, also glowing red, but which
changed to green as the object slowed to land. Antonio finally acted,
trying to drive the tractor away, but the tractor's engine died before
he had gone twenty feet. The tractor would not restart, so Antonio
jumped to the ground and tried to run away. He had only gone a few
steps when someone grabbed his arm. It was a small figure that only
came to his shoulder, dressed in strange clothes. He shoved the figure
away, and it fell to the ground.
And an
inseparable diplomatic bond is forged between Mars and Brazil!!
He turned and tried
to run, but was prevented by three others. They lifted him bodily
off the ground and carried him forcibly back to the object, although
he fought and cursed the whole way. He was pushed up a small ladder
and into the craft. He described it thus:
Once inside the machine. I noticed that we were standing in a small
square room. Its polished metal walls were bright with the reflection
of fluorescent light coming from the metal ceiling and shining from
the many little square lamps fitted into the border where the walls
met and circling it entirely.
They led Antonio into another room, which was quite large and contained
an oddly shaped table and some swivel chairs or stools. As he stood
waiting to see what would happen next, the strangers began talking
to each other:
I say "talk" as a manner of speech, for what they said had
no resemblance whatever to human speech. They talked in growls, like
dogs do, in a way. This comparison is not quite fitting, but it's
the only one I can think of to attempt to describe those sounds, so
different were they from anything I ever heard before.
The grunts were emitted
slowly; they were neither high-pitched nor too low; some were longer,
others shorter, sometimes containing several different sounds at the
same time, at other times ending in a tremor. But they sounded to
me only like animal growls and there was nothing that could be taken
for the sound of a syllable or for a word in a foreign language. Nothing
Aho! Are
wa anata ga baka?!
Antonio described the
appearance of the strangers:
didn't know these guys."
All five of them wore a very tight fitting siren-suit, made of soft,
thick, unevenly striped gray material. This garment reached right
up to their necks where it was joined to a kind of helmet made of
a gray material, I don't know what it was, that looked stiffer and
was strengthened back and front by thin metal plates, one of which
was three-cornered, at nose level. Their helmets hid everything except
their eyes, which were protected by two round glasses, like the lenses
in ordinary glasses. Through them, the men looked at me, and their
eyes seemed to be much smaller than ours, though I believe that may
have been the effect of the lenses. All of them had light-colored
eyes that looked blue to me, but this I cannot vouch for.
Their sleeves were narrow
and tight-fitting to the wrists where they were followed by thick
five-fingered gloves of the same color, that must have somewhat hindered
their movements. As to this, I noticed that the men weren't able to
double their fingers fingers altogether, so as to touch the palms
of their hands with the tips of their fingers.
At least
we don't have to worry about them shoplifting.
After some discussion, the strangers grabbed Antonio and stripped
off his clothes. He fought, but they overpowered him. Once he was
naked, they applied a thick liquid to him with a sort of sponge. It
was cold at first, but after the liquid dried, he felt more comfortable.
They took him to yet another room where they drew blood sample from
his chin with an unusaul sort of instrument. Then they left Antonio
alone in the room, which was empty except for a couch in the center.
After a moment, Antonio began to notice an odd smell in the room.
Investigating, he found that the odor was associated with gray smoke
that was coming from tiny metal tubes full of holes that were part
of the wall of the room at about head height. The odor made Antonio
so ill that he vomited.
I hear
Antonio went on to be an ambassador to Pluto, where he whizzed on
several officials.
After a long time, the door opened and a beautiful naked woman came
into the room...