I’ve been battling through some pretty severe funks over the course of the past few years, and began to hit ‘depressed to the point of non-functionality’ fairly frequently in the past two particularly. In an effort to combat this, I’ve started a second Sketch-A-Day exercise I call SAD-II which conveniently puts the word SAD up there in a way that looks professional and is attached to something fun.
As per last time, I don’t have any hard goals beyond drawing or creating one Thing every day. (Technically, writing this post counts, but I’m still going to do an actual drawing later tonight.) But should I do some crafting or model building or something, I may substitute some shots of the product. I do have a list of things I would like to focus on and improve, in particular I’d like to get better at pinup-worth character art for a game I’m working on. Many of the original characters I’ll be sharing as part of this are related to that of course. I’d also like to improve my backgrounds and overall finesse inking as I go along.
I sort of dragged my feet cross posting the dailies here since 1) Twitter is easier if lacking in options and limited to 4 pics max and 2) I keep holding my breath that I’ll do a proper site revamp but that didn’t happen when the year turned over, so I’m not using that as a deadline! I’ll be batch posting for now and making smaller more frequent posts after catching up here.
Started with an Eishi, will attempt a redraw on Dec. 31 UMP-45 as Lina Inverse Rough sketches of how Tomcat’s AirFrame works Dassault Mirage III Captain Novolin for the NEXT GEN of over a decade ago Su-27 Flanker F-15 Eagle Eishi Leap Lina Inverse F-117 Nighthawk Misc. Figure drawimgs Tohru, Dragon Maid Red Baron A kind of “meh” night F/A-18 Hornet, take 1 Take 2 Hornet details, sort of Eagle and Hornet Ame-Rider F-4 Phantom/Wild Weasel UMP9 is here! Everyone, we’re family now! A-10 Thunderbolt II