With RGL’s Shmuptember marathon coming to an end and Steam’s shmup sale apparently beginning, I am “eating good,” as the kids apparently say. Got to show off Grand Cross, Graze Counter and a bit of Zeroranger, play Twinkle Star, Deathsmiles and Star99 with friends, and got some stuff I want to try out soon. All in all, it was a really great weekend even if I worked through most of it. Anyway. Have a sketch dump!

I’ve not been sharing new art on Twitter lately due to the new TOS thing about them owning the rights to repost/reuse/train machines on all of your data but I haven’t committed to deleting my account since it seems like the majority of people still use it. Bluesky ain’t bad though. Cohost is cozy but seems to really only connect me to a small slice of people I know, and Tumblr is Tumblr. (In all seriousness, Tumblr doesn’t seem to have as much of a PC witch-hunting experience as it used to, I think the porn purge forced most of the really preoccupied folks to Twitter, which ironically seemed to lead to a reverse exodus when Shitty Bruce Wayne took over)