Tag: sketch
July 2020 Post of sdfgaskhjsd
Well, I had to give up the daily routine due to a big influx of commission work- which is good!…
Like A Phoenix But Not As Impressive, 3/2 Lives Again
Howdy all, been a spell, hasn’t it? I’m gonna try and do more frequent art streams soon, if anyone’s interested…
New Year, New Sketch Dump
I’m making another attempt to draw a thing a day! Hopefully it improves my moods even if my skills don’t…
Well, This Was Overdue
Years ago, I had a handful of Game Informer magazines. I didn’t have a subscription, as much as I enjoyed…
Ah’ll Bring Light to the Darkness!
Fightcade has rekindled my love of Twinkle Star Sprites! My drawing skills is rusty though.