I had a crappy day, and contrary to the usual way-too-personal nature of blogs, I’m not going to go on about that. Instead, I’m going to go on about the ‘background music’ of my crap day, because I’ve kept silent for far too long about it, and I think it’s high time the Internet knew my feelings on the matter.
I have never been so sick of a movie I haven’t seen as Avatar.
Nostalgia is a damn powerful thing, especially for 80’s spawn like myself. The opiates of ‘toys’ and ‘cartoons’ were allowed to intermingle and form some sort of new, more potent form of marketing methamphetamine. That’s probably why our generation has the same problem resisting the urge to banter about My Little Pony and Etch-A-Sketch that the last few generations had with recounting how many Nazis they could kill with only their scrotums and moxie.
But, again, since I’m not part of that generation, all you people are going to have to make do with me regaling you with the story of how, while re-watching a cartoon I grew up with, just how batshit the original source material for the sprawling merchandising machine was.
But where to begin? The Giant Purple Griffin? An episode that basically tells kids gambling is ok, and the only thing better is cheating at it? How about one revolving around a hypnotic superdisco?
No… No, we can do even better than that. We’re going to dive right in and see how the hell mermaids fit in with the Transformers universe!
It’s summer, and you know what that means… if you’re an annoying, sociopath of a children’s toy collector. Yes, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen merchandise is leaking into stores, well, the stores who wittingly or unwittingly are breaking Hasbro’s ‘street date’ for the toys. Yes, sometimes even toys have big important street dates, though nobody’s being sued or whatever like with the final Harry Potter book.
So, my store was among one of them, and put out the first wave of Voyagers (the 20 dollar guys) and Leaders (the well, leaders, and other ‘big’ dudes.) They yanked the display today, presumably because Hasbro sent agents armed with guns that fire spring loaded missiles two and a half times the size of the actual gun and painted neon, because god forbid someone be hurt by a lethal weapon. But not before I got my hands on the two pieces from the line I actually give a crap about, and scrutinized the rest of them. So, without further ado: