Sound Off

It’s a shame that the Bangai-O Spirits Sound Load System doesn’t have anything to do with yelling at your DS to raise attack or anything like that, since it inspires me to yelling like few games do. Not necessarily even bad yelling like a good I dunno, 80 percent of my backlog. Just a deeply-programmed need to call out things like GEKIGAN FLAAAARE or BANGAI BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURST before loosing a flock of deathmissiles in all directions.

I’ve also been invoking FALCON PAWNCH! during Heroscape bouts lately. Seems to help Captain America’s dice rolls. Yes, I still play that game. The new Wave 8, Heroes of Kinsland, does something remarkable by single handedly making the Elf race stop sucking with a wonderfully broken team of linked wizards. One of the things that I love most about Heroscape is the CCG-ish synergy bonds between figures. In the aforementioned example; placing an order marker on one particular figure can activate a ‘bond’ ability that lets you take turns with two other elf wizards, one of whom is capable of summoning 1-3 other Elf characters to his side, letting you quickly move a pretty good sized formation on a single token. Factor in that many of the elves get boosts by being in proximity to other elves, and well, they’re starting to seem a bit more like a pointy eared, effeminate bum rushing squad.

Yakyakyakyak tabletop buggery blah blah blah yakity shmakity.

Author: 3/2

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