Day 23- Cursed With Awesome: I know I keep saying I don’t like to be ‘obvious’ with prompts, but I mean, c’mon. I don’t like how close in the eye looks but I really did sketch out the position of both eyes before I started tidying up the lines. (I wouldn’t call what I’m doing on most of these ‘inking’ but I have basically been doing tighter sketches once I block out the basic pose.)

Day 24- Fantastic Nuke: I think this is the third shown or implied Dragon Slave I’ve drawn and it might not be the last, lawl. I really tried to push the lighting in this one to sell the blast effect.

Day 25- Alternative Continuity: I could have done a lot with this one but ended up effectively shitposting, haha. I know Lost Universe and Slayers technically aren’t the same universe but the shared names for some of the entities and some design elements between the main cast sure are enough to still keep me thinking of “what-ifs.”

Day 26- Playing Up Stereotypes: Based on a scene from the very first episode where Lina sees Gourry has arrived to save her from the bandits she could easily handle anyway and embraces the chance to act like a shrieky scared damsel.

Day 27- Berserk Button: Not gonna lie, I had other ideas for this prompt first but I hadn’t drawn these two (and generally… don’t) and “A-cup Angst” is another prompt down the line so…
One more of these megaposts to go, if you’d like to see them as they come out, once again, you’ll find them on my various socials but the extra notes come from here since I’m usually out of the proverbial spoons it takes to discuss these things after posting and tagging everything four times across different social media platforms. If Twitter would just go ahead and die for real, it would honestly save me a few clicks and keystrokes…