Day 11: Absurdly Sharp Sword- It’s a riff off of the Metal Gear Rising cover. I probably could have come up with something else but it was the first solid (ha) idea I thought of.

Day 12: Awesome, But Impractical- I’ve always kind of wondered if the gang ever went back for their Dragon Cuisine after the months upon months it was going to take to make the meat safe to eat. Plus, I like having excuses to draw Chef Ashford.

Day 13: Not So Harmless Villain- About as soon as I got done doing flat colors on Fibrizo I remembered Joyrock existed and would have fit the theme better but eh, w/e. I thought I would throw a mosaic/glitch effect over the prompt name since he’s not really introduced as a villain at all. I tried to play up the cute a little more than normal on this one just to experiment but I feel like everything *but* the face kind of flops.

14. Badass Adorable- Amelia is a character I didn’t ‘get’ at all when I first saw the series but after rewatching it with more familiarity with Japanese pop culture hero stereotypes, I love her. Not really satisfied with the proportions or pose in the end and I kind of feel like the ripped clothes comes off more like fanservice than ‘tough.’ Then again, neither thing is bad… right?

16. Teenage Genius- Sherlock Lina Sherlock Lina Sherlock Lina

16. Signature Move- I know I said before I try not to go ‘too obvious’ on prompts and I spent the entirety of last year’s list drawing just Lina but… c’mon. The Dragon Slave is so iconic other shows even copy the *chant* part.