So, I picked up Custom Robo Arena the other day, and so far while the battles aren’t too bad, the single-player story mode is quite possibly the dullest thing ever made. Imagine something along the lines of Pokemon (or more to the point; Mega Man Battle Network) that not only explored the adventure and battling side, but also made sure that each and every day your character must go through a complete daily routine of having breakfast and dinner with the family, identical from day to day.
Oh, but that’s not the best part- Your robo is maintained by regular polishing, done of course with the touchscreen. You move amongst each body part and wipe it down until it sparkles- and the crotch is its own distinct area in need of attention.
Custom Robo! The game that dares you to give Mega Man a handjob. Care to place bets on when I get tired of the repetition and trade it for a used Medabots game?
Oh c’mon… who wouldn’t love polishing some mecha groin area? Snake, Snaaaakkke, SNAAAAAAAAKKKKEEEE!!!!!