I’ve been slow to update here again, but I have Actually Done A Thing and pushed an early prototype to the Tabletop Simulator Workshop if anyone is interested in learning the basic strategy between commanding cute fighter plane girls in commander to commander combat.
I have a lot of work ahead in making some nicer looking assets but I wanted to get this out there for some early testing and so far I actually had some pretty good feedback so I’ll be adding the next ‘layer’ of complexity to the thing soon.
You may have noticed a name change and even Crossing the Heavens is probably not final, but the Critical Heaven title actually came from a risk/reward system I was kicking around in the very first stages where your units get a big power boost on their last hit point, but it seemed like kind of a complicated gimmick to work around and probably not all that much fun since you’d need to purposely damage your units to bring out the most in them. Crossing, I think gets across the idea of how the general game flow goes and still says “air battle.”
So give it a shot! Again, it’s very early and requires Tabletop Sim to play, but the rules are more or less rock-paper-scissors combat cross with grid movement. Future updates will give characters unique abilities and the movement types will get more interesting.