The DSi got another half-decent download title recently, a little game called Ninja Karakuri Den, which is Japanese for Disgruntled Ninja Watchmaker. You play as… Ninja, I guess is his name, as he bounces around disappearing platforms, slashing gears to open the next stage exit, and occasionally dueling a robo-ninja boss. It’s pretty simple, but damn addicting, especially now that I’m getting the hang of when to use the special dash-slice thing. One thing’d been bothering me, though, on the top with the scoreboard, there was also a mysterious timer! Was it counting down my time limit? Clocking how long I spent in the game? How long my current session was? Well, glancing between my laptop and the DS, it finally dawned on me the game just has a clock display set to system time.
Man. RPG’s need that.