It’s been a hot minute since I last posted here, got a bit lazy mirroring my artwork here that I posted to the socials and haven’t really been doing anything out of the ordinary worth reporting on. Really enjoying the iPad as an art tool the more I get a feel for proper settings, may still look into other software since it seems worth the investment. I’ve also found that my desk space is *way* more comfortable now that I’ve removed the arm rests from my chair. It struck me while I was streaming the other day that my elbows were kind of getting ‘pinched’ inward awkwardly while holding the controller and I’ve been apparently subconsciously contorting around the rests and developing extra neck and shoulder pain. So hopefully that tweak leads to some more productivity.
I haven’t really had the juice to update the plane girl stuff for a while, had some surprise work drop in my lap like the *day after* the TTS demo went up and got hit with a wave of pretty bad burnout once I caught up to everything I needed to do, and it also coincided with one of my vacation weeks so I didn’t really get to unwind as planned. I feel like my head is on a little straighter this time partly because I kept my time off a freaking secret so I could work ahead early then decompress a bit before I go back for the holiday boss rush that caps off the year.
I’ve been participating in the Slayers Artober event again this year but I’ll save my contributions for a masterpost at the end this time since I’ve already waited this long. I’ll go ahead and catch up some of my other doodles since last time while I’m here, though!