Lady in Red

The filename is cut off, but it's supposed to be "Mom I'd Like To Fear"I’ve been taking in some tutorial vids, mostly in basic working habits and trying to do a little bit of drawing every day, and ran across this nice one from Sycra on HOW to practice drawing, by sort of picking a subject and trying to coax yourself to do it faster on the next try, with the goal of kind of ‘beating’ the subject into your muscle memory. Once I dragged myself out of bed and got my errands done, I curled up with a sketchpad and started drawing mainly eyes and mouths interspersed with a few faces with horribly placed features. Then I switched to the Wacom and screwed around until one of my doodles managed to ‘nail’ the image of Dixie’s mother I had in my head.

Yes, it apparently took me months to come up with ‘an older looking Dixie with shorter hair and a different barrette. LEMME ALONE!

I went ahead and colored her page-mate because I kind of liked her weird expression.

Author: 3/2

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