I’m kind of coming off a major bout of brain fry due to a combination of Shit’s Too Expensive, Nobody Is Helping Me, and having to quarantine because some fuck brought measles into the grocery store and not a soul in the medical care or health department of my region had access to my vaccination record. Luckily(?) I wasn’t out too long because my papers turned up, but man, I was riled up between the combination of the exposure risk and the amount of red tape involved in tracking my records down had they not turned up anyway. I guess if you’re afraid of shots being a government tracking scam, breathe a sigh of relief since I had to call multiple schools, county health departments, my pediatrician(s) only to be told I needed to request proof from the agency demanding proof from me.
Anyway, hoping I can resume my streak of doing some actual decent finished art soon, but I spent most of my first actual day off from phone tag and other miscellaneous bullshit vegging out and playing the new Honkai update. Please wait warmly.