So, I’ve decided that I’m going to start building up some more art/comic work and restructure the site around that, possibly ditching WordPress or looking into other plugins for content management. I’d apologize yet again for going *forever* without an update, but I fell into a habit of posting everything I draw or feel like blurting out in bite sized pieces on Twitter or live on my Twitch page then forgetting to come back and collect/repost the work. (I’ve also developed the probably not great habit of using a screencapping tool and pasting it into the tweet box instead of actually saving a properly optimized file locally. Ahem.)

It came to my attention last week though that the site had gone down as a result of some backend meddling on my part that I misinterpreted at a security issue, which lead to me opening a help line and being grilled for the better part of a half hour about my content, what I intend to do with it, and what I’d do if it all just vanished one day. Which did make me think a bit, but not about coughing up a monthly fee I can’t afford to protect my disorganized stash of hobby works. In all seriousness, I’ve been doing pretty okay the past few years on the art front, even if I hit a serious burnout point midway through last year I’m only kind of rebounding from now. So, I’ve made backups of pretty much everything of importance, and I have something of an idea of what I want to do going forward.
Portfolio and commission info need updated and fleshed out as I find myself occasionally stumped by things that are kind of outside my illustration wheelhouse but still want to lend a hand. I want to get a system going that will let me run multiple comic storylines as separate archives a la Clone Manga circa… when did I read that site last? And I still want to be able to write and ramble about games when I feel like, of course. Beefier projects like board/card games will likely get their own site and format to make them easier to track and expand on. And now that I mention that, I suddenly feel kind of bad I’ve been away from here so long my plane-girl game concept hasn’t been mentioned yet. I’d better gather my pics and fix that soon…