Electronic Devices Vying For Supremacy

Recently my old Toshiba laptop finally kicked it, which seems like a good excuse for why I haven’t been updating all that often if not for the fact I was really just computerless for maybe half a week.


It left me with a bit of time to screw around with the Internet capabilities of the other portable games and junk I have with net access. The Wii’s recently made its Internet Channel a free download (and added USB keyboard support, a must because as I can testify from responding to a comment on the last entry punching in text letter. By. Letter, with the fucking WiiMote is torture. The DSi’s stylus and onscreen keyboard are at least a little more reasonable since it’s right there in your hand like a PDA, and not clumsily aiming a remote control at the idiot box from across the room. (Incidentally, totally saw the free Wii Internet thing coming a mile away when they made it a free download to the DSi at launch.)

And, though it took an excavation project to get my PSP out and in working order again, it’s back online and I’ve messed with its capabilities some. It’s sort of become my backup browser for when I’m too lazy to drag my computer out since it displays pages relatively well, but sucks on anything remotely dynamic.

I guess the short version of all this is that I’ve turned my Wii into a Play-Youtube-Videos-On-My-TV-Machine while I Photoshop and whatnot on the laptop.

…god, this is the most pointless thing I have ever written. TUNE IN NEXT WEEK FOR “GUESS WHAT MY CAT DID!?!?!”

(actually in all seriousness I’m probably going to bitch about Dissidia)

Author: 3/2

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