Category: ThreeTwoekaki

Random doodles I saw fit to inflict on the viewer, rough sketches

Fan Trash Burning On Mondays Only

    Here’s a little catch up post of stuff I’ve posted to my Tumblr since getting a new laptop….

//more... Fan Trash Burning On Mondays Only

[+/-] Isn’t Dead Either

Looking to resume strips for real soon because frankly, I feel kind of worthless when I stay unproductive for too…

//more... [+/-] Isn’t Dead Either

Design Notes: Dixie

So, been a while. Been flogging myself back into productivity slowly but surely, and thought I’d touch on a bit…

//more... Design Notes: Dixie

Colorized test cards!

Decided to see how some of my roughs and new card templates would look printed out. I think I need…

//more... Colorized test cards!