Category: ThreeTwoekaki

Random doodles I saw fit to inflict on the viewer, rough sketches

SaD 23- Meguminmaxing

Watch Konosuba if you like goofball fantasy parody stuff.

//more... SaD 23- Meguminmaxing

SaD-21: Rough Iria

Man, it’s been ages since I last watched Iria. Or at least it feels like it. Might have been last…

//more... SaD-21: Rough Iria

SaD 20+21-It’s a comic this time

Valkyrie Profile stuff inspired by Chuck Grody’s playthrough on Twitch. Earthworm Jim happened when I got tired of trying to…

//more... SaD 20+21-It’s a comic this time

SaD 16-19

Whoops, forgot to mirror the last few batches here again. I’ve had more viewers on my Twitch than normal lately,…

//more... SaD 16-19

SaD2-16: Lady Lonely Heart

I like her outfit a lot more after taking in the details a bit more. I really like the way…

//more... SaD2-16: Lady Lonely Heart