Category: ThreeTwoekaki

Random doodles I saw fit to inflict on the viewer, rough sketches

Sketchin’ and Kvetchin’ Ohhh Yeah

Woo hoo, it has been a time lately, lemme tell ya. But in a good way. After a good while…

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Post PAX Sketch Dump

      Wow, another year’s PAX has come and gone. It was a great time, though of the three…

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Sketch Dump, Pre-PAX Edition

Well, the fated time is upon us at last, PAX East 2017! It’s actually been kind of a crazy time…

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Slayers Week Masterpost (also SaD Sketch Dump)

So to recap, there was a little fan event going on over at Tumblr where people would submit fanart/fiction/other along…

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Happy 3/2 Day!

Slayers Week continues with days 3, 4, and 5- Day 3 was just about Filia, so I decided to at…

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