Category: ThreeTwoekaki

Random doodles I saw fit to inflict on the viewer, rough sketches

Sketch Dump 1/20

Snappy title, huh? Sorry to be so slow catching up the postings on this page and mainly posting to Twitter/Tumblr…

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New Year, New Sketch Dump

I’m making another attempt to draw a thing a day! Hopefully it improves my moods even if my skills don’t…

//more... New Year, New Sketch Dump

ho ho ho.

  The holdays are nearly upon us again, like some vast, predatory bird, and I’m not sure if I’m feeling…

//more... ho ho ho.

Ah’ll Bring Light to the Darkness!

Fightcade has rekindled my love of Twinkle Star Sprites! My drawing skills is rusty though.

//more... Ah’ll Bring Light to the Darkness!