Category: ThreeTwoekaki

Random doodles I saw fit to inflict on the viewer, rough sketches

ho ho ho.

  The holdays are nearly upon us again, like some vast, predatory bird, and I’m not sure if I’m feeling…

//more... ho ho ho.

Ah’ll Bring Light to the Darkness!

Fightcade has rekindled my love of Twinkle Star Sprites! My drawing skills is rusty though.

//more... Ah’ll Bring Light to the Darkness!

Catching Up

Oh dear, I’ve been neglectful again. :( Been keeping busy most of the month with work, family, and Twitch stuff,…

//more... Catching Up

(Awkwardly) …Hi.

Long time no cross post again, eh? Whoops. Today I finally got around to the 100+ follower/ Affiliate status stream…

//more... (Awkwardly) …Hi.