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Random doodles I saw fit to inflict on the viewer, rough sketches

Snap, Crackle, Pop.

Snap, Crackle, Pop. published on 3 Comments on Snap, Crackle, Pop.

I just can’t shake this tired, bluesy feeling lately, though it’s mostly the fault of the late summer heat/humidity. It’s like my body saps up excess moisture in buckets and triples my body mass for however long it takes me to reach the next air conditioned building. Needless to say, I’m more of a winter type, but not so much that I’m one of those “Let’s jump in the freezing river!” psychos.

Uh, anyway.

In what could constitute another mini-review/impression bit, I gave in and picked up my own copy of Phantom Brave a couple weeks back, for $15 new. Whee. And, similar to how I latched onto Soul Nomad, I’m finding this other less-sung N1 title to be pretty enjoyable. The time-limited summoning is actually a lot less aggravating than it sounded on paper, as it sort of justifies the bloated casts these games end up with. The way items and confinement work adds a lot of possible dimensions to the play, and while Makai Kingdom expanded on the modified, grid-free engine, the plot was a lot weaker, and combat ended up repetitive and shallow. On the other hand, jetbikes.

Phantom Brave, on the other hand, is a regular puppy kicker of a yarn, featuring a quirky cast and witty script focused entirely on shoveling piles of horrible onto the head of a relentlessly optimistic little girl. Go Japan!

Signs, Signs, Everywhere I Signs.

Signs, Signs, Everywhere I Signs. published on No Comments on Signs, Signs, Everywhere I Signs.

Image intensive post, so this time I threw a cut in rather than drowning you all. Being a designer by training and always on the lookout for relevant applications of it, I do a fair amount of our store’s in-store signage (A large chunk of the photo dept.’s for grand opening, and various ad signs throughout the store when one is needed faster than advertising can accomodate.) Lately they’ve had me throwing together presentation booklets to show off the various new facilities they’re oh-so-proud of to other stores. (This is why many of my comics end up late- trying to do cubicle style work while standing up in a wide open area full of people who think I know where the diabetic peanut butter is.)
Continue reading Signs, Signs, Everywhere I Signs.

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