Category: Games
Posts about games. There’s bunches.
Oh, those Pokeymans…
Okay, so we need to have a talk about this Japanese-Kids-Who-Collect-Shit genre of gaming. Pokemon. Digimon. Yugioh. Medabots. Card Fighters,…
War in the Pocket
I received in the mail Monday one (1) MicroSD card and one (1) DS M3 Simply card thing, allowing me…
Proper spelling be damned.
Scurge: Hive (NDS&GBA) 2006 Orbital In a nutshell: Samus meets Solstice, kinda. Slightly awkard isometric weeaTroid (Note I didn’t say…
The Woman, The Legend
Anyone who knows me or pays a sliver of attention during my reviews knows I have a fixation on a…