Category: Games

Posts about games. There’s bunches.

Another Salute To Stupid Cult Gaming!

So, aside from confused premature gushing about Riviera: the Promised the Land and Yggdra Union, which I later decided I…

//more... Another Salute To Stupid Cult Gaming!

Guilty Gear Judgement

Guilty Gear Judgement(PSP) Arc System Works The Short Version: CAST IN THE NAME OF GEAR YE NOT GOOD The Long…

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Final Fantasy: Dissidia (or Dissidia: Final Fantasy…)

Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP) 2009 Squeenix The Short Version: The heroes of Final Fantasies 1-10 are summoned together to do…

//more... Final Fantasy: Dissidia (or Dissidia: Final Fantasy…)

Update About Updates: How Meta

I’ve started and stopped like two articles since last week, getting a paragraph in and stopping because I felt like…

//more... Update About Updates: How Meta

Second Opinions: FFTA2

When I heard there was going to be a sequel to FF Tactics Advance, for the DS, I was pretty…

//more... Second Opinions: FFTA2