Category: Banter

Miscellanous posts, shop talk.

Commissions Closing Notice!

OK I gotta put my foot down, RGL event stuff is kicking up again and I have a backlog of…

//more... Commissions Closing Notice!

Building Character: Tomcat

I decided it would be fun to go back and look at the evolution of original characters I’ve been using…

//more... Building Character: Tomcat

October Surprise (i updated)

I forgot to do a recap post for last month, though it wasn’t an especially productive one. I got a…

//more... October Surprise (i updated)

July 2020 Post of sdfgaskhjsd

Well, I had to give up the daily routine due to a big influx of commission work- which is good!…

//more... July 2020 Post of sdfgaskhjsd

April Wrap Up

w o w t h i s h a s b e e n a m o n t h…

//more... April Wrap Up