Category: Banter

Miscellanous posts, shop talk.

103-Brush Tests

Feeling kind of blah tonight, couldn’t think of anything specific to draw so I just kind of played with MyPaint…

//more... 103-Brush Tests

The Return Of The Pen

My replacement stylus came early! I’m so happy even though I have to get used to the extra sensitivity again.

//more... The Return Of The Pen

087-Not A Total Loss

Some stuff came up and I didn’t get nearly as much drawing time in as I had planned on, so…

//more... 087-Not A Total Loss

079- Dust to Dust

Gatty, Beretta, “Speed”, Derringer and Daisy, along with some more details of the thing on Gatty’s arm. The upper ipod…

//more... 079- Dust to Dust