Category: Banter

Miscellanous posts, shop talk.

205- Legends Never Die

Here’s some character design ideas I had for a continuation of Mega Man Legends before I talked myself out of…

//more... 205- Legends Never Die

MS At Work- Real Grade Zeta Gundam

So, since my last Gundam post, I managed to utterly shatter the Zeta’s hip joint after dropping it while applying…

//more... MS At Work- Real Grade Zeta Gundam

Routine Check-Up

Given that I’m halfway through the year and technically on track, I thought it would be a good time for…

//more... Routine Check-Up

186-Independence… Night!

Happy Independence.. Night! Sorry I spent all day building a Gundam model and watching Smiler stream Metal Wolf Chaos!

//more... 186-Independence… Night!

Little Things- Unconventional Title Screens

For some reason, I really get a kick out of games that get creative with their title screens. Most games…

//more... Little Things- Unconventional Title Screens