I’d really intended to ride the momentum from finishing out the Slayers Artober thing and keep more active drawing, but work has been kicking my ass and there’s a shitload of RGL events I have to put layouts together for when I have the energy and attention span for it so maybe I’ll put my energy toward making a nice Xmas card for you guys so at least that much can get done on time.
I’ve been kind of disappointed with my output this year, emotions and drive have been all over the freaking place but probably still in a better place than I haven been in a while, overall.
Critical Heaven has gone through some behind the scenes mutations and left it feeling sort of adrift, unsure what direction to really take it in at this point. I sort of worry about putting a whole lot of stake into the whole warplane girls thing knowing that the manufacturers take licensing seriously enough that cheapo Matchbox depictions of real world planes need to put legal info on the packaging and the military is very uptight with their depictions in the movies. Not that I expect it to blow up to the point I need to worry about it or anything, but it’s always kind of in the back of my head. The entire thing pretty much just comes from liking the designs and engineering of jets since I was a kid and wanting to pair that with my love of designing cute/badass girls and not wanting to cash in on a brand name like third world shoemakers throwing Mike Air Jorduns on shelves. I’d still like to keep moving forward on it but I’ve also been getting more concrete ideas what I want to do with Radona beyond “she’s fun to draw,” which is generally enough for me but, y’know.
Been lightly dabbling with game maker stuff again, think I might try to coax myself into focusing on Godot since it seems like a less limited tool than some others but I’m not particularly sure of its porting options if I ever made something good enough to pursue consoles on.
Have been making shmup practice into a semi regular Twitch project lately, big thanks to dot_lvl for sending a good sized raid my way last week or so (I’m bad at time.) Between Shmuptember introducing me to some cool people to watch and finding more games I like, I’ve been feeling more of a push to improve at them. Wish it was a little easier to talk about them sometimes, it’s almost like “you had to be there” as an entire hobby- sometimes a shmup sounds amazing on paper but the feel or the aesthetics or even just the sound design make it not click for me. If you’d be interested in following my progress or whatever else ends up happening, drop me a follow here, trying to get more regular with it.