I’ve been putting a serious effort into improving the quality of my line art and coloring lately, and finally kind of feel like I’m kind of… happy with it? I still wanna tweak my avatar’s design to be a little less ‘smol’ looking but the overall look of the saggy jacket and white bangs i dig. Originally the concept was for there to just be a patch over the missing eye to kind of imply whatever happened to it bleached it, but I kind of liked the light front part after settling for it in a picrew a while back.
Been in a mood to draw Radona a lot lately, for some reason, but I’ve also been back on my plane girl kick again thanks to back to back USAF Museum visits. It was nice to get some direct input on some of the ‘lore’ stuff I’ve been kicking around and I feel like I’m going in a good direction.
Also, been playing with a sketch app on my phone that’s actually decent(!) and found a good stylus for the tiny-ass screen. If anyone’s wanting a pretty robust art program with a freebie version, IbisPaint has been very good to me so far. Seal of approval or something goes here.

Unfortunately, said phone is also kind of on the fritz and probably going to need replaced, which I’m dreading since I spent the afternoon setting everything back up from factory resetting the thing. Customer service line keeps repeating the same “have you tried turning it off and on” line and this all started after a firmware update so I have a feeling it’s something they can’t actually fix on their end. Bleah.