I’m in a mind to get more use out of this site seeing as how I’ve re-upped my hosting and domain for another year, even if it’s hard to get traffic to a personal page anymore and I’ve had literally zero engagement on this blog outside of a bot randomly registering and trying to change its password multiple times so I get email nags.
(Seriously, I don’t bite if anyone wants to register and post comments, I just have it set to manual approval. Once one comment is okayed, the rest should go fine.) EDIT I IMMEDIATELY GOT LIKE TWENTY BOT ACCOUNTS SO REGISTRATION IS CLOSED AGAIN
I was about to post about something I don’t even remember now, but ended up seeing I had ten drafts sitting unpublished in the editor I legitimately had no memory of or thought I had already published. A couple were additions to the My Games sub series where I gush about my personal favorites, and I think I may actually end up polishing up and finishing them since they’re not the worst writing I’ve ever published and they still stand as favorites. From the looks of things, I just got started and lost steam or got distracted or something. In the likely event I do get distracted and never finish though, the topics were Breath of Fire II, Wolf Fang, and Black Rock Shooter: The Game. I legitimately thought I published the last one but it just abruptly ends in the middle of a plot summary.
Another two or three of them were overly emotional/personal posts, but I think some of the points from them still stand even if I think I’m over vagueposting about people and being like, overtly depressive ‘on main’ as the kids say. I think the biggest thing to come out of them is just: keep as busy as you can stand, no matter how shitty you feel. Doing something is better than nothing. One of the posts was about how Girls Frontline “cured” my depression a few years ago and that is some hack Youtuber-tier phrasing right there. The actual point of the post was that when I was in extremely low point, taking up a mobile game gave me a ‘routine,’ fake as it was, and helped me feel like I was making some kind of progress in fucking anything. If I were looser with money or another type of addictive personality, getting into a girly phone game would probably have ended incredibly badly, and you could probably argue it’s still a huge waste of time that’s keeping me from doing the things people actually want to see me working on! But for me, it’s just something to occupy my brain when I’m too idle and keeps me from spiraling into a Greatest Hits list of every awful thing I’ve done to people in my life.
And the last few posts were just titles I thought were funny at the time with blank body text.