RK will be back next week, as previously/vaguely implied, I’m taking the hiatus week I skipped between 13 and 14 to make up for the reboot. Don’t worry though, I’m getting way ahead in penciling, which should be good as far as avoiding so many delays once we resume with track 15.
As tempting as it is to, you know, fucking nuke everything and start it over again.
I was an avid follower of Your Webcomic Is Bad(…) when they were updating, and as someone drawing something easy to dismiss as an ‘animu bullshit’ comic, naturally every so often it would make me stop and think about what traps I do and don’t fall into. I’m glad so many people have given me good feedback, by which I clarify, regardless of positivity or negativity, points out a direction in which to improve.
One time I posted a page on 4chan in hopes of attracting the maybe two people there who actually do real critiques. For the most part, it was, as in their native tongue, FAIL. The most generous comment was something along the lines of “The first panel looks okay, then you stopped trying.” Which really, pretty much hit the nail on the head.
It’s pretty clear that lately I’ve been going more experimental as far as trying new art styles, be they the ultra-ultra thick look I went with for a while, the ‘blobby lineless’ style, or going back to normal for the end of the chapter. I kinda liked that style, but it was pretty easy to get sloppy with. I’m starting the next chapter in a similar manner, I think, but only if the first page looks good enough, otherwise it goes right back to the regular ink style.
Anywho. I’ll start off with the traditional three a week thing when i get back to it.
In other news: LET’S BIBLE!