I did this one more or less for coloring practice since I haven’t been doing much of it lately. I’m still not a hundred percent feeling the red armor honestly!

I just kinda tossed this one together one night when I was feeling really achy and craving a hot soak.

Made another pass over Hornet’s armor design, I think I’d still like to tweak the skirt area and maybe change or ditch the hip armor. I’ll have another look at her ‘civvy’ dress sometime and try to make them look closer. I simplified her hair accessories a bit since the ‘wing’ clips on both sides just never looked the way I wanted them to. Her middle lock with the multiple clips is supposed to look like a bee stinger and the white wing clips were meant to be wasp wings, but didn’t really come off that way. I also stopped drawing her hair as tied with a bunch of bands so much as braided with a ribbon running through them to create a similar streak or band effect. I left the wings pretty plain this time since I’d like to make a nice copy of her wasp emblem I can re-use between illustrations of her. I made more of an effort to make the wings a decent size this time too. It’s kind of annoying trying to pick the Super Hornet references out of the regular Hornet references, by the way. I’m picky about this because I do plan to have her become a Super Hornet later on…