Tag: final fantasy

(Awkwardly) …Hi.

Long time no cross post again, eh? Whoops. Today I finally got around to the 100+ follower/ Affiliate status stream…

//more... (Awkwardly) …Hi.

Randomizer Encounters and Other Twitchery

  Been pretty busy the past few weeks between settling into the new place and participating in RGL stuff, but…

//more... Randomizer Encounters and Other Twitchery

Sketchin’ and Kvetchin’ Ohhh Yeah

Woo hoo, it has been a time lately, lemme tell ya. But in a good way. After a good while…

//more... Sketchin’ and Kvetchin’ Ohhh Yeah

SaD 13-Rydia study, sort of.

Not feeling super hot tonight, think maybe jubilantly running around in the rain yesterday to chase away the cabin fever…

//more... SaD 13-Rydia study, sort of.