“Irrgarten” First Run!

I finally got around to printing off and testing my game tonight! I’m happy to say it isn’t immediately broken like I feared and it plays pretty speedy, which was something I was shooting for. It definitely needs some tweaking for balances sake, I was afraid of things being too easy and made some of the monsters OP- particularly my Harpies. (Monsters basically act like a status effect, and Harpies kidnap the ‘weakest’ party member, which with the sample parties [Fighter, Cleric, Sorceress and Thief apiece] meant the Sorceress was getting grabbed leading to a serious drop in overall damage output that made killing them impossible. The Cleric’s passive heal ability could also probably make the game run forever if not checked in some manner since it heals 1 HP turn- and damage is dealt basically 1 at a time. So at the least, monsters should have their defenses nerfed. So should the ‘encounter rate,’ too- I stupidly put more monster attack cards into the room deck than i made sample monsters. Player 1 spawned in a poison gas chamber then stepped into three consecutive monster panels (which queues them up so that party was effectively in battle the entire game.) Maybe monsters shouldn’t ‘stack,’ maybe i should change how moving and battling works.

Seems salvagable, anyway! I need to start players out with a handful of items so things are a bit more strategic and make the monsters a little fairer (Trolls having really high defense AND healing if you don’t damage them in a turn for one-what would I even do for boss monsters?)

Anyway, updates as they happen. Look forward to it!

Author: 3/2

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