209- Zap.



Just a couple thoughts, really. One, I really dig greens/yellows/whites. Blame my high school hammering that into my head, I guess. One of my first fan-things was creating the “Jade Wing” for Robotech/Macross then shoehorning them into another couple attempts at sci fi. I was just kind of screwing around and trying different brushes in MyPaint to see if any were especially good for different effects (mostly they seem good at interpreting my pen pressure wildly differently.)

Secondly, it occurred to me how when I was first becoming aware of anime in general, I felt like I should be ashamed of watching Sailor Moon and kept jumping between it and say, the news in case I expected to get walked in on. Nowadays though, there’s far more brutally kawaii stuff being loved on by all kinds of big, manly men. It’s kind of hilarious how important our “boxes” are at the time, but you rarely miss them when you find your way out.

Author: 3/2

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